Strange, Woman's Pregnant Again Currently Being Pregnant

Strange, Woman's Pregnant Again Currently Being Pregnant, HEALTH - Nearly a year ago, a woman in Australia had two baby girls on the same day-but they are not twins.

Kate Hill contains Charlotte, 10 days after fertilization which resulted in Olivia. It is proof that their mother was pregnant again when she was pregnant.

A phenomenon known as superfetation this occurs when someone who is pregnant managed to get pregnant again after sperm and egg cells are different and managed to unite, join together with the results of previous fertilization.

This incident is different from the twins. Identical twins are formed when one egg is fertilized and then splits into two. Fraternal twins occur when two separate eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm. Although it sounds similar to superfetation, twin embryos Fraterna have relatively the same age, while on superfetation not.

Since Hill was pregnant on two different days, the fetus develops at a different stage. Although they were born on the same day, technically they have different maturity dates.

"Superfetation this is very rare. When I was pregnant, my body spontaneously releasing another egg, so pregnancy two embryos are also different," said Hill.

"What makes this case even more rare is, my husband and I only have sex one time after knew I was pregnant, and the husband's sperm stay alive for 10 days to fertilize the egg."

According to the news Today Tonight, in this world there are only 10 cases of reported superfetation. Doctors who treat Hill said, that she had to ask to Google because it could not find the medical literature about the phenomenon.

Jason James, M.D., medical director at Miami FemCare Ob-Gyn, said superfetation occur in several species of animals such as rabbits and mice, but "very rare" in humans. "Superfetation so rare that there are only a handful of documented cases," he said.

Theoretically, superfetation may occur, at least until the womb "shut down" after the egg and sperm unite, which usually occurs 10 days after pregnancy previous pregnancy, said Michael Cackovic, MD, obstetrician and kandungkan at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Sherry Ross, MD, obstetrician and gynecology and women's health expert at the California Providence Saint John, saying that the condition is "poorly understood and somewhat mystical to the medical community".

However, he added, does not mean it's not possible. Some medical phenomenon we can not explain with any reason or logic.

There are several reasons why superfetation so unlikely. First of all, once pregnant, your body should stop ovulation. That means there should be no second egg (unless they are both released simultaneously, as in fraternal twins). Even if you are not pregnant, ovulation occurs only every 28 days.

Plus, the fact that Hill and her husband only had sex once, shows that sperm apparently lived for 10 days inside Hill before fertilize another egg. What is also puzzling, usually sperm can only live in a woman's body for up to five days. "That's super sperm," said Ross.

Lastly, the mucus usually forms during pregnancy to prevent sperm from entering the cervix and uterus lining normally undergo changes that make it impossible for the new embryo implanted there, obviously James.

"But nothing is so black and white that is not possible in this world," said Ross. Cackovic agree. "One episode of sexual intercourse with two separate 10-day pregnancy is an event which is amazing," he said.

One potential explanation lies in fertility treatment, said Cackovic. Hill had undergone hormonal therapy for polycystic ovary syndrome.

"Hormonal medicine used for fertility treatments may alter reproductive functions, although it is unclear how superfetation happen," said James.

But because Hill assisted reproductive therapy, doctors can determine exactly when she was pregnant, so it is believed to be actually the case superfetation. In addition, the embryo is growing rapidly, especially in the early stages, so it's another way to track the development of the pregnancy Hill and saw that two embryos are in different phases.

While Ross said, women who underwent fertility treatments do not have to worry about a sudden end up carrying two babies due to superfetation.

James agrees. "It's very rare, though we think superfetation continue to occur from time to time," he said. "But when that happens, no one is really sure how or why it happened."
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Recognize Signs Phimosis, Abnormalities in Children Penis

Recognize Signs Phimosis, Abnormalities in Children Penis, HEALTH - Phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin or the skin covering the head of the penis can not be pulled back. It happened, because the narrowing at the tip of the foreskin of the penis or foreskin adhesions occur.

Doctors Mahdian Nur Nasution, SpBS said, phimosis is generally due to congenital abnormalities. However, it could be due to penile hygiene is not maintained properly.

Parents need to recognize the signs of phimosis in children. If left unchecked, phimosis can cause infection. What are the signs?

Phimosis can be recognized when the parents bathe their babies. If the foreskin can not be pulled back so that the head of the penis is not visible, the likelihood of children experiencing phimosis. Indeed, the foreskin is elastic.

"So if ballooned to pee first, urine resilience in the skin first. After the bubble of high pressure, urine coming out. As no leaks of water from the skin," said Mahdian in media discussions in Jakarta, Tuesday (13/12/2016).

Urine was usually left under the skin of the penis. Over time, residual urine and other impurities will settle and trigger the growth of bacteria.

Signs of other phimosis, is the child has a fever. If it is an infection in the penis or urinary tract will appear fever, because of the growth of bacteria earlier. Initially, the infection occurs around the skin, then at the head of the penis, to finally get to the urinary tract.

"Take it to the pediatrician, and then given a drug fever is cured. But then the fever again. So, if the child has a fever, cough, runny nose chances, the latter may be due to urinary tract problems," explained the doctor of this Sunatan house.

Recurring fever could ultimately affect child development. As adults, phimosis will interfere with sexual activity. Dirt that accumulates under the skin of the penis can trigger inflammation and redness appearing on the tip of the penis.

Mahdian revealed cases of phimosis in boys pretty much met, which is about 40 percent. Phimosis can be treated with circumcise the foreskin of the penis or cut the child.
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When Bathing Baby, Do not Forget to Clean His penis

When Bathing Baby, Do not Forget to Clean His penis, HEALTH - When bathing, do not forget to clean the vital organs. Clean it could not simply wash with water at just the outer skin of the penis.

Doctors Mahdian Nur Nasution, SpBS of Rumah Sunatan revealed, there is a section of skin on the penis that produces dirt. If the dirt is not removed, it will accumulate under the skin of the penis.

Accumulation of dirt is more easily occur when a baby is not circumcised. Then, how clean the penis right on boys?

Mahdian said, one that must be considered is the foreskin or skin covering the head of the penis.

"Pas dimandiin, the skin of his penis was pulled a little back. Slowly, not forced. It was to defecate in," said Mahdian.

Dirt often accumulate beneath the foreskin. Quite often the tip of the penis head is found white dirt.

According Mahdian, parents often only clear the skin of the penis superficially. When checked, the skin inside is dirty.

Mahdian revealed, dirt is allowed to continue to accumulate under the skin of the penis can cause infection to inflammation. In addition, poor penile hygiene also increases the risk of phimosis.

Phimosis is a constriction of the tip of the foreskin of the penis that can not be pulled back.

"If allowed more could recurrent infections. As an adult, would interfere with sexual activity," said Mahdian.

Therefore, even circumcision should be done early or 0-6 months. Circumcision on baby boys as well untukenjaga hygiene and reduce the risk of various health problems in parts of the sex organs.
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Make A Happy Couple Got More than Got Money

Make A Happy Couple Got More than Got Money, HEALTH - Every day is busy maintaining a career, love, hobbies, and family is certainly not easy.

But when faced with the choice to spend time with family or overtime, the study of English say maybe you prefer a partner.

Researchers from the London School of Economics questioned 200,000 people around the world about the events in the life and happiness of rank changes in the scale of 1 to 10. What actually make people happier? Money.

Work is associated with happiness, but how much salary did not ensure happiness. Even the double pay just a little happiness boost. It seems that it is true adage that says, we can not buy happiness.

So what makes us happy? Having a good partner, so said the report from the London School of Economics.

Got a couple increases happiness almost a full point, while reducing the loss of the couple happiness in the same amount. This proves, love big impact on our life satisfaction.

This makes sense, since one of the key causes of depression is loneliness. Connecting with others, even as simple as giving careful on Instagram uploads a friend gave additional instatn happiness, according to a study conducted earlier this year.

Mental and physical health was instrumental in bringing happiness. The good health of course provide more happiness. However, it is good to know something is not necessarily implemented.

When we look at all the options that are there every day, whether we really choose a healthy and happy every day?

To be honest we prefer to choose drinks coffee with milk plus whip cream than a healthy lunch. Choosing a movie marathon rather than sports or work until late rather than to meet friends or chat with a partner.

The choices it seems to make you happy for a while, but it's not the kind of happiness that is durable, according to the study. And you can make a healthy choice did not look at marital status or relationship with a partner again.

"This data proves we need to change the focus of the" prosperity "to" health ", said Richard Layard, professor of the London School of Economics who come examined.

Now is the time to check the priority in your life. Make a small selection every day to come first relationship with a partner, along with the physical and mental health. It will make life happier.

You do not need to leave a dream job for the sake of the couple, but make sure you stay away from the computer to complete the work at a certain time.
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Facts and Myths Learned About "Sleep Apnea"

Facts and Myths Learned About "Sleep Apnea", HEALTH - Sleep apnea or sleep disorders commonly called manifest in various forms. Some people think, just a form of sleep apnea such as snoring. Some are saying that it only occurs in older people.

Are presuppositions is just a myth or a fact the truth? Read on to distinguish what are the myths and facts about sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea snore only

Myth. Snoring can be a symptom of a sleep disorder, but there is a big difference between the two.

People with sleep apnea actually stop breathing up to 400 times throughout the night with a lag of 10 to 30 seconds. Usually followed by a grunt when started breathing again. This sleep cycle disorders can make you tired during the day.

Sleep apnea is not a big problem

Myth. Everyone who disturbed his rest will be disturbed body and mind. When this condition is not treated, it will very likely cause of workplace accidents, vehicles, heart attack and stroke.

Sleep apnea breathing clog

Fact. The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea or OSA. This occurs when the tongue, tonsils, or other tissues in the back of the throat closes the air flow, said Nancy Foldvary, director of the Cleveland Clinic's Sleep Disorder.

When you try to inhale, the air can not get through the channel should be. Meanwhile, the case of central apnea is not as much as OSA. It occurs when the brain does not always give a signal to the body to breathe when you should breathe.

Only parents who experience

Myth. Sleep apnea is more common after age 40, but people of all ages can experience it.

You are more at risk of having sleep apnea if overweight, male, have come from African-American, or Latin. These disorders also tend to run in families.

Alcohol will help you sleep

Myth. Alcohol can make you drowsy, but it will not help you get quality rest.

Alcohol relaxes the muscles in the back of the throat, thus creating the airway in people with sleep apnea are more easily clogged, said Foldvary again. Sleeping pills have the same effect.

Rare Sleep apnea occurs in children

Myth. OSA is common in children. An estimated number case is one in 10. In most cases, the symptoms are mild and the child eventually develop the condition.

However, some children may have behavioral problems or serious medical problem for OSA.

Losing weight can help

Fact. Yes, you can relieve the symptoms of apnea when you reduce your weight. If now you are overweight, talk to your doctor about a weight loss program. Quitting smoking also can help alleviate sleep apnea condition.

Side sleeping may also help

Fact. If you sleep on your back, gravity will pull tissue in the throat downward, so that the airway you more at risk for clogged.

Side sleeping will help open channels of your throat, so you become easier to breathe.

Mouthpiece can also help

Fact. Mouthpiece is a tool made of soft plastic or silicone which is mounted on the teeth and serves to make the teeth become neat.

Dentists can help you choose the right size mouthpiece which can also function to help keep the airway, to keep it open while you sleep.

CPAP is an effective treatment

Fact. CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure, or continuous positive airway pressure. CPAP machines channeling the flow of air into your airways.

You can adjust the flow to be strong enough to keep the airway open while you sleep. CPAP is the most common treatment for adults with moderate to severe OSA.

Surgery is the surest way to cure sleep apnea

Myth. For some people, surgery may cure OSA. For example, children with large tonsils blocking his airway.

Doctors can lift the tonsils to solve the problem. Some adults also can undergo a surgical procedure but it is not certain to suit everyone.
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