"ABCDE" Prevention of HIV Transmission


HEALTH - The spread of AIDS in Indonesia is targeted to end in the year 2030. Therefore, efforts to prevent the spread of HIV / AIDS is concerned with the member countries of the World Health Organization.

Unfortunately, HIV / AIDS cases in Indonesia has also decreased. Data 2005 to December 2015, there were 191 073 people living with HIV / AIDS in Indonesia.

According to the Chairman of the Indonesian AIDS Foundation dr. Sarsanto W Sarwono, SpOG, the data is actually an iceberg phenomenon. The number of people living with HIV who are not registered are expected more than that.

To reduce the number of HIV / AIDS cases in Indonesia, there is a formula ABCDE which has been socialized as a way of preventing HIV / AIDS.

- A (abstinace) is not having sex outside marriage. Sarsanto said education about HIV / AIDS and reproductive health carried out starting from junior high school students.

- B (be faithful) are faithful to each other in pairs. Sarsanto explains, many men who like "pocket" on the outside and did not use a condom so that it can carry the virus when he returned home. HIV can then be transmitted to the wife at home during intercourse. For that, faithful to a partner or not bergonta sex partners is also a key HIV prevention.

- C (condom), namely the use of condoms during sexual intercourse. Condom use is considered highly effective in preventing HIV transmission. Sarsanto revealed, Thailand successfully reduce the number of HIV as a campaign distributing free condoms.

"Condoms are the only one that effectively prevent transmission in sex," says Sarsanto. However, in Indonesia the campaign using condoms can cause controversial, as has been experienced by former Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi.

- D (do not use drugs) or do not do drugs. Cases of transmission of HIV is also prevalent in injecting drug users in turn.

- Lastly, the E (equipment) which means using sterile equipment. "If you want a tattoo or acupuncture needles do not use other people, disposable needles themselves," said Sarsanto.

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