Strange, Woman's Pregnant Again Currently Being Pregnant

ADSENSE READY, HEALTH - Nearly a year ago, a woman in Australia had two baby girls on the same day-but they are not twins.

Kate Hill contains Charlotte, 10 days after fertilization which resulted in Olivia. It is proof that their mother was pregnant again when she was pregnant.

A phenomenon known as superfetation this occurs when someone who is pregnant managed to get pregnant again after sperm and egg cells are different and managed to unite, join together with the results of previous fertilization.

This incident is different from the twins. Identical twins are formed when one egg is fertilized and then splits into two. Fraternal twins occur when two separate eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm. Although it sounds similar to superfetation, twin embryos Fraterna have relatively the same age, while on superfetation not.

Since Hill was pregnant on two different days, the fetus develops at a different stage. Although they were born on the same day, technically they have different maturity dates.

"Superfetation this is very rare. When I was pregnant, my body spontaneously releasing another egg, so pregnancy two embryos are also different," said Hill.

"What makes this case even more rare is, my husband and I only have sex one time after knew I was pregnant, and the husband's sperm stay alive for 10 days to fertilize the egg."

According to the news Today Tonight, in this world there are only 10 cases of reported superfetation. Doctors who treat Hill said, that she had to ask to Google because it could not find the medical literature about the phenomenon.

Jason James, M.D., medical director at Miami FemCare Ob-Gyn, said superfetation occur in several species of animals such as rabbits and mice, but "very rare" in humans. "Superfetation so rare that there are only a handful of documented cases," he said.

Theoretically, superfetation may occur, at least until the womb "shut down" after the egg and sperm unite, which usually occurs 10 days after pregnancy previous pregnancy, said Michael Cackovic, MD, obstetrician and kandungkan at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Sherry Ross, MD, obstetrician and gynecology and women's health expert at the California Providence Saint John, saying that the condition is "poorly understood and somewhat mystical to the medical community".

However, he added, does not mean it's not possible. Some medical phenomenon we can not explain with any reason or logic.

There are several reasons why superfetation so unlikely. First of all, once pregnant, your body should stop ovulation. That means there should be no second egg (unless they are both released simultaneously, as in fraternal twins). Even if you are not pregnant, ovulation occurs only every 28 days.

Plus, the fact that Hill and her husband only had sex once, shows that sperm apparently lived for 10 days inside Hill before fertilize another egg. What is also puzzling, usually sperm can only live in a woman's body for up to five days. "That's super sperm," said Ross.

Lastly, the mucus usually forms during pregnancy to prevent sperm from entering the cervix and uterus lining normally undergo changes that make it impossible for the new embryo implanted there, obviously James.

"But nothing is so black and white that is not possible in this world," said Ross. Cackovic agree. "One episode of sexual intercourse with two separate 10-day pregnancy is an event which is amazing," he said.

One potential explanation lies in fertility treatment, said Cackovic. Hill had undergone hormonal therapy for polycystic ovary syndrome.

"Hormonal medicine used for fertility treatments may alter reproductive functions, although it is unclear how superfetation happen," said James.

But because Hill assisted reproductive therapy, doctors can determine exactly when she was pregnant, so it is believed to be actually the case superfetation. In addition, the embryo is growing rapidly, especially in the early stages, so it's another way to track the development of the pregnancy Hill and saw that two embryos are in different phases.

While Ross said, women who underwent fertility treatments do not have to worry about a sudden end up carrying two babies due to superfetation.

James agrees. "It's very rare, though we think superfetation continue to occur from time to time," he said. "But when that happens, no one is really sure how or why it happened."

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