Make A Happy Couple Got More than Got Money

ADSENSE READY, HEALTH - Every day is busy maintaining a career, love, hobbies, and family is certainly not easy.

But when faced with the choice to spend time with family or overtime, the study of English say maybe you prefer a partner.

Researchers from the London School of Economics questioned 200,000 people around the world about the events in the life and happiness of rank changes in the scale of 1 to 10. What actually make people happier? Money.

Work is associated with happiness, but how much salary did not ensure happiness. Even the double pay just a little happiness boost. It seems that it is true adage that says, we can not buy happiness.

So what makes us happy? Having a good partner, so said the report from the London School of Economics.

Got a couple increases happiness almost a full point, while reducing the loss of the couple happiness in the same amount. This proves, love big impact on our life satisfaction.

This makes sense, since one of the key causes of depression is loneliness. Connecting with others, even as simple as giving careful on Instagram uploads a friend gave additional instatn happiness, according to a study conducted earlier this year.

Mental and physical health was instrumental in bringing happiness. The good health of course provide more happiness. However, it is good to know something is not necessarily implemented.

When we look at all the options that are there every day, whether we really choose a healthy and happy every day?

To be honest we prefer to choose drinks coffee with milk plus whip cream than a healthy lunch. Choosing a movie marathon rather than sports or work until late rather than to meet friends or chat with a partner.

The choices it seems to make you happy for a while, but it's not the kind of happiness that is durable, according to the study. And you can make a healthy choice did not look at marital status or relationship with a partner again.

"This data proves we need to change the focus of the" prosperity "to" health ", said Richard Layard, professor of the London School of Economics who come examined.

Now is the time to check the priority in your life. Make a small selection every day to come first relationship with a partner, along with the physical and mental health. It will make life happier.

You do not need to leave a dream job for the sake of the couple, but make sure you stay away from the computer to complete the work at a certain time.

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