Apparently, Supine Sleep Can Harm Fetus


HEALTH - Pregnancy makes women more generally cautious in all things. They will try to keep her pregnancy a well in order to survive until the delivery arrives.

Enough sleep is one way to do pregnant women to maintain their own health and the fetus in the womb.

Unfortunately, as the pregnancy progresses, the mother will experience some problems that made it difficult to sleep, for example: frequent urination, nausea, vomiting, sweating, headaches, hip pain, enlarged abdomen, and others.

When pregnant women lack of rest, it automatically can damage the health of the body. The fact is what makes pregnant women shall endeavor to maintain good rest time.

In addition, pregnant women are also obliged to consider sleeping position was good for her and the fetus in the womb. Do not get the wrong sleeping position, then your pregnancy so problematic.

One of the sleeping position is not recommended for pregnant women are supine, because it can harm the fetus in the womb. Was it? Consider the continuation of the following article:

1. Sleep on your back can be caused fetal death

Experts from The Royal College of Midwives, the study presented in the Journal of Physiology advises pregnant women to sleep in a tilted position to minimize the risk of fetal death in utero. Supine sleeping position can reduce the oxygen supply to the body of the baby in the womb.

2. Heart rate and oxygen intake reduced

It was also mentioned by scientists from New Zealand that sleep in the supine position in pregnant women can be caused baby's heart rate and oxygen intake is reduced thereby increasing the risk of fetal death in utero.

3. Blood pressure is reduced

Mentioned by the Director of Midwifery Louise Silverton when sleeping on your back too long for pregnant women can be caused reduction in blood pressure that endanger the pregnancy.

4. Cause baby stress

Lying in pregnant women can increase the risk of stress on the baby at risk of dying in the womb. Conversely, sleeping on his side could help increase the flow of nutrients into the uterus.

Gestational age is strictly prohibited sleeping supine

Pregnant women who are entering the age of the third trimester is highly recommended to avoid supine sleeping position because it is very risky harm the fetus.
By understanding the dangers of supine sleeping position above, surely you will be more intelligent and maintain the pregnancy in order to remain healthy continue until the delivery arrives.

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