Prevent Migration Of The Bacteria Into The Food


HEALTH - The migration of a number of substances and microorganisms to food needs attention because it is dangerous to health. Migration, among others, of packaging made from recycled paper that come into contact with food, particularly those with liquid.

Based on research conducted Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in 2014, the number of bacteria contained in the packaging from recycled about 1.5 million colonies per gram. In addition to bacteria, substances such as heavy metals, mineral oil, and phthalates potentially exposed to food.

Researchers from the Center for Biomaterials Research LIPI, Lisman Suryanegara, say, an example of recycled paper packaging is food inside is gray. "In these materials, substances and bacteria is higher than any other paper," Lisman said on the sidelines of a seminar Food Safety Packaging initiated Foopak, in Semarang, Central Java, on Thursday (1/12).

Safe food packaging or food grade be one solution to prevent the transfer of bacteria or substances that are harmful to the body. Packaging food with food grade category is made from natural fiber with characteristics including a pure white color, no spots, and opaque oil.

However, Lisman stressed, the main thing is how to keep the bacteria or substances that do not contaminate food. Therefore, efforts to minimize the migration of bacteria and harmful substances to be important.

Related to that, extra pieces of brown rice paper in packaging made from recycled paper to reduce the potential for exposure. The plastic parts on rice paper that can at least reduce the contact between the bacteria and the food.

Another way to minimize exposure to food is quickly moving food from packaging. "If you buy food, do not continue to be kept in containers or boxes. Spend immediately or move," he said.

Triggering disease

Hazardous substances are potentially trigger diseases, including cancer, damage to the liver, lymph nodes, and can disrupt the endocrine system. In addition, these substances also potentially increase the risk of asthma and gene mutations.

The foods most easily exposed to bacteria or harmful substances are greasy, has a liquid, and hot. As for dry food tend to be safe.

Head of Sub Standardization Products and Hazardous Materials Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Ani Rohmaniyati explained, for food manufacturers, packaging testing can be done in the testing hall. For heavy metals, for example, can be done in the testing hall with ISO 17025.

In addition, the test can also be done in a number of halls health laboratories. "A lot of heavy metal testing, but for mineral oil and flatat still sparse. However, the test information can be obtained on the Internet," he said. (DIT)

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