4 Adverse Effects Of Too Much Sugar Consumption


HEALTH - Benefits not as sweet as sugar taste if consumed in excess. The Ministry of Health recommends sugar intake of no more than 50 grams or 4 tablespoons per person per day. Limitation of sugar consumption is certainly due to health reasons.

As quoted from the Medical Daily, the following four ill effects of excessive sugar consumption.

1. Sugar Addictive

Sugar turns out to be addictive or addictive. When the consumption of sugar, the brain will be stimulated to release dopamine so addictive. Dopamine also be produced when a person's consumption of alcohol and drugs.

That way, someone who often eat too much sugar will have more desire to eat sweet or high calorie foods.

2. Accelerate Aging

The effects of sugar which as we know is the weight increase. In fact, sugar also can accelerate aging.

Too much consumption of sugar can break down collagen and elastin in the skin, so the skin is wrinkled and slack.

In fact, collagen and elastin helps repair cells in the skin and make the skin more elastic.

3. Overeating

High consumption of sugar can be lethal anorexigenic oxytocin system in the brain, the hormone that gives a signal that the body is well fed.

When the brain does not release the hormone that signals, someone else will continue to feel hungry so overeating. It is one that lead to obesity.

4. Lower brainpower

Their brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) helps the brain to learn and form memories or a new memory. Well, sugar can lower levels of BDNF.

When low levels of BDNF, can be decreased ability of the brain, such as reduced memory and hard learn new things, or declining cognitive abilities.

4 Knowing the effects of excessive sugar consumption, it does not mean NDA should stop consuming sugar. What needs to be done is to reduce or limit the consumption of sugar and avoid artificial sweeteners.

Kathleen Page, MD, of the Medicine-USC Keck said, sugar is also needed as fuel cells throughout the body, including the brain.

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