5 Pengganti Tepung Terigu yang Lebih Sehat dan Bergizi


HEALTH - if you regularly surfing Instagram and Pinterest to look for ideas recipes, you may know that lately there are many people using "alternative" replacement wheat flour.

flour Almond, coconut, or quinoa, for example.

flour-flour is not only better, but can also produce confectionary same delicious with flour.

"is a good idea to switch to the kind of starch the other to help ensure the rotation of a variety of nutrition," said Beth Warren, r.d.n.,

founder of Beth Warren nutrition and author of living a real life with real food.

Jessica cording, r.d. nutritionist in new York city, said that the flour alternative is a good way to post a more nutrients in your diet.

not only that, this way also ideal for those who allergies or gluten intolerance. here is an alternative wheat flour the most popular and worth you try:

1. flour Almond

flour Almond offer more protein, healthy fats, and vitamin ha and fiber than wheat, said Alissa rumsey, m.s., r.d., spokesman Academy of nutrition and dietetics.

rumsey recommend the use of flour Almond to cake baked solid as brownies.

2. flour coconut

flour coconut made on the grounds of coconut pounded or ground smooth then dried.

"flour kelapa high fiber, protein and has carbohydrate can digested with better than wheat flour," said Warren.

flour coconut also have the glycemic index lower, meaning in the body, flour this convertible into the blood sugar with slower, so not lead to jump in blood sugar - the case of continuous can increase the risk of diabetes.

shortcomings, flour kelapa higher saturated fat compared with the flour other alternative.

flour coconut also really solid, so hard to get the texture of soft of cookie dough.

that's why cording recommends that flour coconut mixed with kind of starch other or with yogurt Greek plain.

3. flour quinoa

flour quinoa can store-bought and can also made himself at home.

Grab the seeds quinoa raw as needed and minced fine in blender.

In order to faster destroyed, you can cut up seeds quinoa terlabih first before the ground.
Flour quinoa rich protein (¼ Cup contains approximately four grams of protein) and can be used to create muffins, pancakes, and bread.

4. Flour garbanzo

Made of dried garbanzo beans are finely ground flour is high in protein, fiber, selenium, and vitamin B, clearly Warren. A quarter cup of garbanzo flour contains about five grams of fiber and six grams of protein.

Garbanzo flour great for adding texture and attach the dough. This flour can be used to make crepes, pancakes, socca, bread or cake.

5. brown rice flour

The flour is made from brown rice and has a texture similar to wheat flour but it contains more fiber, said Rumsey. "The flour is suitable for making cakes that are baked," he said.

Brown rice flour full of vitamin B, iron and manganese, a mineral element that helps form connective tissue and bone.

According Cording, brown rice flour is a very good option for people who have recently tried flour alternative, because it does not have a strong flavor and aroma.

From a health perspective, Warren said, flour alternatives should be used more than the wheat flour is high in calories and simple carbohydrates.

However, according to Warren, wheat flour tends to give better consistency of the dough when you bake for the content of gluten and low density.

If you want a consistency similar to white flour, Warren recommends you choose spelled flour (spelled flour), which is not gluten-free but will give a smooth texture.

For a recipe that you only make once a year or infrequently you make, it's okay to use wheat flour. But, for snacks that you often though and consumption, we recommend using a flour alternative, healthier due consideration of nutrition and calories.

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