8 Signs You Have Anxiety Disorders


HEALTH - All people ever feel nervous or anxious once in a while and it was normal. For example when you have to speak in public, even though you've never done. However, there are some people who feel the anxiety so often and so strong, that the anxiety that takes over his life.

How do you know if your anxiety is normal or has become a nuisance? This is not easy. Anxiety comes in many different forms such as panic attacks, phobias, and social anxiety so that the difference between "normal" with exaggeration, be not always clear.

If you experience any of the following symptoms continuously and regularly, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Excessive worry

Generalized anxiety disorder (Generalize Anxiety Disorder) is a type of anxiety disorder that is the most extensive spectrum. Characteristic of GAD is too much everyday, both large and small.

Sufferers worry constantly every day for at least six months. Anxiety also become so severe that it interferes with daily life and is accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue real.

"The difference between normal anxiety disorders with anxiety is an anxiety disorder make people suffer and dysfunction," said Sally Winston, PsyD, director of the Anxiety and Stress Disorder Institute of Maryland in Towson.

An irrational fear

There is an anxiety disorder that are not common, inherent in certain situations such as fear of flying, animals, or many other things. If the fear was overwhelming and out of proportion to the actual risk, it is called a phobia.

Phobia sufferers often remain hidden until the meeting with something feared. "Someone who can snake phobia looks unremarkable without any problems for years," said Winston.

"But when invited to camp in the open, they realized that they were very afraid of snakes, so haunted by the fear that up in such a way."

Sleeping problems

It's hard to fall asleep or sleeping has long been associated with many health conditions, both physical and psychological. Almost everyone has experienced difficulty sleeping, especially when they're having problems that preoccupy.

But, if you find yourself frequently or consistently not able to sleep, because it continues to be worrying problem that's it (eg money), or no particular cause of anxiety you feel, you may suffer from GAD and need to get help from psychologist or psychiatrist.

Tense muscles

Constant muscle strain, such as jaw clenching, fist, or stretch the muscles throughout the body, often accompanies anxiety disorders. These symptoms may last for some time without anyone realizing it.

Regular exercise can help control muscle tension. However, tensions may arise if there is a relapse of anxiety disorders.

Chronic indigestion

Anxiety can be initiated from within the mind but often manifests itself through physical symptoms, such as chronic digestive problems.

"Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is characterized by symptoms of abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, gas, constipation and / or diarrhea, basically is anxiety in the digestive tract," says Winston.

IBS is not always related to anxiety but both often occur together and can make each other worse. Intestines are very sensitive to stress and vice versa, indigestion often makes people anxious.


Panic attacks can be scary. Suddenly you're gripped by fear that is outstanding and makes you feel helpless and panic.

Panic attacks can last for several minutes, accompanied by physical symptoms such as trouble breathing, pounding heart, tingling or numbness of the hands, sweating, weakness or dizziness, chest pain, abdominal pain and feeling hot or cold.

Not all people who have panic attacks have an anxiety disorder, but people have to repeatedly be diagnosed with panic disorder.

People with panic disorder to live in fear of when, where, and why their next attack may occur. They tend to avoid places where attacks have occurred in the past.


Turning back or flashback events that create emotion disturbed or trauma, such as the sudden death of a loved one, is a hallmark of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Some studies, one study published in the Journal of Anxiety Disorder in 2006, showed that some people with social anxiety PTSD have flashbacks. Many of them felt traumatized, having been ridiculed in public.

Usually, these people will avoid the factors that can trigger bad memories came again. For example, people who have been traumatized since been ridiculed in front of the public will be appearing in the crowd do not like or do not like to have a lot of friends because it will make him anxious.


Social anxiety disorder is not always related to talk in front of a crowd or be the center of attention.

In most cases, the anxiety triggered by everyday situations such as conversations between individuals at a party, or eating and drinking in front of a small number of people.

People with social anxiety disorder tend to feel like all eyes were on him. As a result, they become nervous, blushing, trembling, nausea, sweating, or trouble speaking.

These symptoms can be so annoying and makes them difficult to meet new people, to maintain good relations with other people, both at work and at school.

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