8 steps Staying Healthy While HIV infection


HEALTH - Commemorating World AIDS Day, it could not hurt to learn more about HIV / AIDS. People with HIV / AIDS have not impossible to continue to live a healthy life.

If you have been infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), you have to be very vigilant in keeping your immune system to stay strong and healthy.

HIV kills immune system cells called CD4 lymphocytes or T cells In people with HIV, the T cell count can go down very dramatically and can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). So important for people with HIV to do its best to remain always healthy.

Here are eight steps a healthy lifestyle that can be applied by people with HIV in everyday life.

1. Eat a healthy and balanced diet

A healthy diet can help keep your immune system stay strong, protects the body from disease, and can prevent HIV from developing. In fact, according to nutritional experts at Tufts University School of Medicine, the right diet can be easier for the body to process the drugs must be taken of people with HIV.

2. Avoid alcohol and drugs

Alcohol and drugs can weaken the immune system of people who memiiliki HIV. Both of these can also be disturbing and may interact with drugs HIV patients, so it is very dangerous for your body.

3. Visit the obstetrician regularly

HIV can increase a woman's risk of cervical cancer, so they must be doing a pap smear regularly. In fact, you are also more prone to develop yeast infections and pelvic inflammatory disease.

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists suggested that women with HIV do a pap smear at least twice a year after diagnosis with HIV, and one each year thereafter.

4. Pay attention to your oral health

Tooth and gum problems are common things that happen in people with HIV, particularly since they are more susceptible to oral health problems as a result of drugs consumed and the immune system. In fact, according to the American Academy of Periodontology, if the patient is HIV letting keroposnya gum disease or tooth, it can menyababkan other problems such as heart disease.

5. Consider acupuncture

Acupuncture is very beneficial for HIV patients because it can manage the symptoms of the disease, the side effects of drugs, improve immune function, and can reduce stress. In fact, according to research conducted by the Boston University School of Public Health, HIV patients who receive acupuncture reported feeling more relaxed, peaceful, and quiet.

6. Pay attention to your skin

Severe skin infection, could be an indicator of a problem of the immune system in people who have HIV. So pay attention to your skin's health and see if anything changes. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, skin condition common in HIV patients is psoriasis, hives, herpes zoster, and impetigo.

7. Find ways to reduce stress

Chronic stress can be dangerous if not managed by people with HIV, because it can be harmful to the overall health and well-being. Some good ways to manage stress include yoga, meditation, exercise, and counseling with an expert.

8. Drink Drugs timely

Many studies have shown that HIV patients who take the drugs in a timely manner, may experience an increase in the number of T cells it. And if it does not take the medicine regularly and is not suitable doses that were recommended doctors, can cause you to stay in the hospital, HIV develops into AIDS, and even death

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