Bath Forest, Trends Health The Popular In Japan


HEALTH - If you live in the city, this experience can take major changes in mental health and physical. bath Forest, or popular terms in Japan is shinrin-YOKU, actually have nothing to do with shower.

However, the concept of major just spend time in the Forest or location, full of trees and air still fresh. very simple way it even has practiced in Japan since the 1980s to support the physical and mental health.

According to health experts in Japan, bath Forest have healing powers real, such as stress relief and improve the physical health.

Breathing air Forest even considered to be more than just a refreshing, trees in the Forest have phytoncides or essential oils from Wood scattered in the air.

 The compound efficacious as antimicrobial and can increase your immune system, even assessed can prevent cancer, according to a study of 2007.

Another study shows that phytoncides significantly increased activity nk human or cells in the body against a tumor and cancer. to see the stock bathing Forest, a study in 2010 study the 24 the Forest in Japan.

Researchers examine how activity shinrin-YOKU this affect health. they found that the Forest environment promote lower concentrations of stress hormones cortisol, pressure pulse and blood lower, activity parasympathetic nervous larger, and

Activity nerve sympathetic lower than the environment the city. these conditions can clearly promote the physical and mental. the new York Department of environmental conservation also see some studies showed that the activities of bath Forest or just spend time in nature can increase the immune system, lower blood pressure, reduce stress and improve the mood. even be able to help improve the ability to focus (including in children with ADHD), accelerate the recovery of pain or operation, improve energy, and improve the quality of sleep.

Bath Forest can be a way to release the tension and balance your body. but if you can't weekend to Forest in the near future, try visiting Park city shady trees.

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