Courtesy healthy, Relevant?


HEALTH - I am writing this on the day of commemoration of World AIDS a few days ago, reflect back after performing the television program also discusses about the deadly disease.

The stigma that had been implanted that the culprit is the deviant sexual behavior (read: same-sex or commercial sex workers is the source) it is removed altogether with the Ministry of Health Care Pro statistics that clearly mentions the case is highest in housewives.

Employment background as an employee occupies a 9603 number of cases, while commercial sex workers even less than a third in 2578 cases.

Hose day before, I was also shocked to read the news of a young woman under the age of twelve-thirty dawn with reason 'return from the game' riding public transportation and eventually raped by drivers of public transportation with some of his friends who was also the age of no more than 21 years ,

When the rapist is caught, let alone feel guilty, instead turned to challenge the police, "Why just like this issue?" The horror increasingly felt seeing all these phenomena in the country 'is being attacked by many diseases' is.

Try watching crime films made in America where sex is considered as normal. Actors involved cases of sex with minors, looks great fear and alibi 'relations on consensual' never justified the court.

Even someone gets the accusation "You are sick!" So kedapatkan sexual misconduct against a teenager.

"Recreation" self-destructive

Disease begins when the term is applied in the area of ​​recreational wrong. Fulfillment of encouragement is not based on healthy behaviors polite. Not just about the sex. The impetus is the same appetite.

Impingement sense of "want", even when different types of emotions come from happy, sad, frustrated - aimed at food, endless diseases secretly come without permission.

Yes, one meal today does not directly result in fat tomorrow anyway. But, it is quite possible if later on various diabetes or metabolic syndrome appear. In fact, the real purpose of people eat is simply to survive.

Similarly, if the sexual act to continue its original purpose breeds, bablas into mere gratification of recreation.

Recreation tends to be acted on the wrong person, at the wrong time, in the wrong place anyway.

Politeness does not have a place anymore. Even for a party of young people now, remained a virgin and virgin before marriage is considered ridiculous. Not just a 'nerd', but very, very ancient.

Dreaded only unwanted pregnancies. Incidentally condom appears as a rescue device. Moreover, arguably also able to prevent HIV transmission. Promotions misdirected ultimately create a society fails to understand.

Condoms justified to prevent the spread of the disease to sexual partners, in the sense of a wife who contracted HIV as a result of contamination of blood transfusions can still maintain marriage and sex life without infecting her husband. Not his mistress.

I am still optimistic enough to maintain a healthy life politeness in this country. During the decision-health role has the same mission.

The fact that the housewife is ranked top with HIV - not drug addicts, especially commercial sex workers - it is time to be a slap hard about the meaning of married life.

There is no school be parents indeed. And no guidebook is married with loyalty and commitment. But, concerned about is when people get married it was only the insistence of age, sexual appetite who wish to be distributed, instead of the wedding itself.

Just as food is boring, if only enjoyed sex as recreation would be a saturation.

The good news with the food, moving to other variations will not cause noise. But not so with sexual behavior.

"Tasting" pleasure giver others simply want to escape from boredom, it could be the forerunner why employment background "doing well" as an employee occupies the highest.

Choosing affair with fellow profession, had an affair with a man who every day found in the office, not guarantees 'I choose safe sex partner'.

Safe can not be seen by naked eye, because the HIV virus may remain for up to 10 years without giving any symptoms. But do not ask ferociously.

If pregnancy is not necessarily occur in one sex, the HIV transmission is inevitable in relationships 'only once it alone' - of people who "look healthy", but you are wrong guess it.

It is enough noise for the sake of noise blocking this nation to develop. There are so many things that should not have happened. If only we all organize themselves. Precisely know myself.

Back to nature is not only used as cliches and jargon. But there needs to be a clear example albeit small, to begin with, and be role models the children later.

Recreation of food does not need to replicate the latest pizza recipe, simply replace with Karedok pecel menu.

Recreational sex is boring no need to replace a couple games, simply replace sleep shirt that has a hole in it with a satin lace. Hopefully sanity and civility we are still in his care.

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