HIV Positive Mothers Can Childbirth Normal And Exclusive Breastfeeding


HEALTH - A pregnant woman with HIV can still be a normal delivery and exclusive breastfeeding to their babies. However, there are several requirements that must be met.

Chairman of the Indonesian AIDS Foundation dr. Sarsanto W Sarwono said, for pregnant mothers should still be regular consumption of anti-HIV drugs (antiretroviral) to suppress the amount of virus. If the treatment is carried out in a disciplined manner, the risk of HIV transmission from mother to child can be reduced to stay 7 percent.

The normal birth process must be done with certain conditions. "Can natural childbirth origin gave birth process should be as fast as possible, do not stay long. The baby then immediately cleaned up," said Sarsanto in Jakarta, Thursday (12/01/2016).

Programs of prevention of HIV infection from mother to baby it has to be done since knowing HIV positive. Therefore, it is important a pregnant women an HIV test.

"Often mothers do not realize have contracted HIV because it was not at risk. Pregnant women may be infected with HIV during sexual intercourse with her husband who is HIV positive. If known HIV positive during pregnancy, it can proceed to the prevention of transmission to the baby," he said.

The mother was still able to provide exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months with physician assistance. To be sure, breastfeeding should be consistent without additional food or formula for the 6 months.

Exclusive breastfeeding can boost the baby's immune and actually reduce their baby's risk of contracting HIV.

Although HIV-infected women should not be afraid to get pregnant. In addition, if the husband is known exposed to HIV, transmission to the wife can be prevented by using a condom every time. Then, if you want to conceive a program, can be consulted with a doctor first.

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