Prevent HIV Through Early Sex Education Right


HEALTH - Giving sex education to children is still reaping the pros and cons. In fact, sexual education system is one solution to prevent the spread of HIV / AIDS.

Child psychologist Vera Itabiliana Hadiwidjojo, S.Psi., Psi asserted that sex education was immense in scope. Starting from the introduction of the limb to how to care for and guard, to recognize sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV / AIDS.

So, a big mistake to assume that sex education is only about sex between men and women.

Unfortunately, there are still many who think that sex education is taboo. Or even mention that sex education is tantamount to teach children about sex.

"It is precisely the correct sex education to be taught about the risks of sex behavior. Including sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV / AIDS. The goal is that children avoid such behavior, "said Vera.

It is recognized by Yudi Supriya as Program Officer for Community Empowerment of Indonesian Family Planning Association (IPPA). He regretted that the subject there are still some people who refuse sex education for various reasons.

"Indeed, when talking about HIV / AIDS, certainly attached to condoms. This makes the material of education about HIV / AIDS is still difficult to be accepted by many schools, "said Yudi.

But, said Yudi, in fact so. Currently, all materials on HIV / AIDS certainly contains about a condom.

"Actually, sexual education aims to teach children about the risks of sex. Not teach children to free sex, "said Yudi.

Around this, Yudi often remodel the material so that more acceptable. As a result, the material is more acceptable in many circles.

The same is done by Vera. He modified the material to make it more acceptable. "Sex education is important. But do not forget other important things such as the planting of religious values, "said Vera.

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