Recognize the Signs 4 Kids Snacks Unhealthy


HEALTH - Children love to snack food, especially around schools. In fact, a variety of snacks outside the school was not necessarily clean and healthy.

To improve children's understanding on the types of healthy snacks, schools could make nutrition education program. In addition to providing healthy canteen, teachers also can slip healthy food material in the lesson.

Nutrition and Health Research Center School of Public Health, University of Indonesia prepare educational materials for school teachers as teaching materials for their students about nutrition, including unhealthy snacks. Here are four signs of unhealthy snacks.

1. Color striking
Snacks are full of bright colors are usually very attractive to children. In fact, a striking color can be a sign of these snacks wearing too much coloring agent.

Dyes used are not necessarily using food coloring, but textile dyes. Typically, the color of the food was also missing from the fingers despite wash hands.

2. It is very sharp
Of taste, unhealthy snacks can be characterized by a sense that too sharp. For example, too savory and bitter taste. Savory snacks too is a sign of the child too much use of flavorings.

3. Smelling bad
Unhealthy snacks can also be characterized from the aroma. Avoid snacks that already smells sour, rotten and stale. It may be that these snacks have expired.

4. Wrapped in Newspaper
Healthy snacks should not be wrapped in newspaper or scrap paper. Food can be contaminated batch of the newspaper were not clean. Avoid snacks that are exposed to dust and lots of flies.

On the contrary, healthy snacks are free from physical hazards, chemical, and biological. For example, not exposed to foreign objects, do not use preservatives and dye textiles, and packaging is not damaged, and no stale.

Head of the Center for Nutrition and Health Faculty of Public Health, Ahmad Syafiq added, education about healthy snacks to school children is needed. However, education must be supported by the environmental conditions in order to establish healthy behavior of children.

"If children know that healthy snacks, but if the food in the cafeteria is still baseball environment where eating healthy or not true, the child will fall in the same environment," said Syafiq.

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