Type pill KB Frequency Affect Sex?


HEALTH - Pill is not only beneficial in preventing pregnancy and beautify a woman's skin. The pills also help relieve pain during menstruation. However, the new study reveals there is a type of birth control pills that affect how often women have sex.

Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the University of New Mexico surveyed a total of 387 women taking the Pill and bound in a heterosexual relationship.

Some followed for 12 weeks and were asked how often they had sex. While other women filled out a questionnaire on how often to have sex in the previous week. They also questioned the commitment to a relationship that served and types of birth control pills are used.

Women who feel the greatest commitment to the relationship, have sex most when taking progestin pills with the highest and form of estrogen called estradiol lower.

On the other hand, women who feel less loyal to their partners, they most often have sex when taking a pill with a lower progestin and estrogen is higher.

Hormonal differences that only affects the frequency of sexual intercourse, not oral sex, masturbation or sexual fantasies.

The findings, published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior helps support the theory that the couple is biologically compelled to have sex outside of ovulation, because it helps them closer emotionally.

"The fact that women want sex outside the time of ovulation, unlike animals, is a mystery of evolution," said Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair, professor of psychology at NTNU.

The study also supports the idea that natural and synthetic hormones can affect a biological urge.

Previous research found that women who did not commit to the relationship may not have strong biological urge to have sex, with the aim to get closer to the couple as compared with those committed.

This discovery probably means replacing the Pill can help couples have sex more often. But researchers say they have not been able to put out the suggestion. This is still just able to show association and not causation.

"It's not just the effect of hormones, but also the interaction between hormones and levels of commitment to the relationship with a partner," said Kennair.

The study found that women who faithfully with sex partners is more common in infertile "to be closer to the couple," even when they do not realize this unconscious motivations.

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