Unsafe Sexual Behavior At High Risk Of HIV / AIDS


HEALTH - AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease most feared. Because, until now there is no drug that can be said to be effective in addressing them.

In Indonesia, the number of cases of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) continues to increase within the last 10 years.

According to the Director of Communicable Disease Control Ministry of Health, Sigit Priohutomo, the increase is in line with the increasing number of people who are aware and have an HIV test. Thus, the more that can be detected and treatment.

Data Ministry of Health says that from 2005 to September 2015, there were 184 929 reported cases of HIV. Number of HIV cases highest in 38 464 cases of DKI Jakarta, East Java, 24 104, 20 147 Papua, West Java and Central Java 17 075 12 267 cases.

While most risk factors for HIV transmission are unsafe sex due to heterosexuality as much as 46.2 percent, the use of non-sterile syringes of 3.4 percent and 24.4 percent homosexual fellow man. People with HIV / AIDS is a housewife, then the profession is not known and further employees.

High-risk sexual behavior

From the above data, we came to know that HIV / AIDS can infect anyone, regardless of profession, gender and sexual orientation. It should be underlined, transmission of the deadly infection is most common for high-risk sexual behavior.

According to the medical website WebMD, in addition to potentially become a medium of transmitting sexually transmitted infections such as HIV / AIDS, high-risk sexual behavior also increase the likelihood of unwanted pregnancy.

In addition, dangerous for adolescents and children if they have had sex before the horse mature enough to understand what responsible sexual behavior.

Examples of high-risk sexual behavior, which not only can transmit HIV but also can transmit other sexually transmitted diseases, among other things:

1. Intercourse without condoms, both female and male condoms. Exceptions for long-term relationships between adults, based on mutual agreement, and loyal only to their partner.

2. The relationship of oral sex (genital to the mouth) without protection, except for those who are loyal only to her partner.

3. premature sexual activity, especially in the age before 18 years.

4. Conduct anal sex, or sex with people who engage in anal sex with another person, especially if done without using protection.

5. Having a high-risk partner (unfaithful spouse or other factors).

6. Do not faithful to your partner.

7. Having sex with injecting drug users.

8. Having sex to get drugs or money or other substitutes, or have a spouse who had sex for the sake of money or drugs or other substitutes.

The reason why the high-risk sexual behavior are:

1. Do not know about the sexually transmitted infection and mode of transmission.

2. Not communicating with your partner about safer sex and responsible.

3. Do not know how to protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections.

4. Not understanding the symptoms of sexually transmitted infections.

5. No treatment when already infected with sexually transmitted infections.

6. No or lack of access to services and health education about sexually transmitted diseases.

7. Consuming alcohol, drugs, and sex. Still according to the health website WebMD, drugs and alcohol impair judgment and common sense, make a person more likely to have unsafe sex.

HIV / AIDS is transmitted only by direct contact of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, anal fluid and breast milk (breast milk), according to the World Health Organization or WHO.

All non-sexual behavior or unsafe sexual, allowing contamination of the fluids between individuals, has the potential to become a medium for the spread of HIV or the virus that causes AIDS.

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