Wish there was a doctor in puskesmas komodo


Of health workers in Indonesia have not been evenly distributed. Especially in Disadvantaged Areas, Border, Islands (DTPK). At health centers (Pustu) Komodo located on the island of Komodo, West Manggarai regency, for example, the doctor was not there.

"There is only a midwife, nurse yet, there has been no general practitioner," said Fifi Sumanti, Head of Komodo Pustu the midwife when met on Tuesday (29/11/2016).

Fifi tell, since in 2013 he worked in sub Komodo, has never been a practicing physician in the Komodo village. Currently, Fifi was the only midwife stays there and only accompanied by a volunteer midwife, Anita Puspita Sari.

Not only deal with labor, they were forced to help handle a variety of ailments. If it is severe, the patient had to be rushed to the city of Labuan Bajo to cross the ocean for 4-5 hours using regular motor boats.

According to Fifi, general practitioners are needed people on Komodo Island. Moreover, Komodo increasingly crowded by tourists, both local and foreign. However, Fifi did not expect much, because in Labuan Bajo is still shortage of physicians.

Head Puskemas Labuan Bajo, Gerarda Dewi previous Bantrang tell, there were only three doctors in the health center. According to Dewi, the number was not sufficient for Labuan Bajo health centers not only serve outpatients, but also inpatient and emergency department with a capacity of 30 beds.

In addition, on the occasion of dialogue with Health Minister Nila Farid Moeloek Hospital Primary Komodo, a citizen also expressed a lack of doctors, especially specialists in West Manggarai.

Conditions were certainly different when viewed Jakarta or other big cities, where even many doctors for treatment choice. If it does not fit in with the doctor one, could be moved to other doctors. A patient can perform a second opinion before treatment for an illness.

Addressing this issue, Nila admitted uneven distribution of doctors is not easily overcome. Moreover, there is now no longer the Presidential Instruction (PI), which requires doctors to serve in the area.

"HR (Human Resources) This is not easy, but we will not despair. Maybe we need to create more regulations," said Nila in Komodo Primary Hospital.

Nila revealed, the plan will also have some terobosoan rules regarding the deployment of the specialist physician.

For example, five major specialists, such as surgeons, internal medicine, pediatricians, obstetricians, and anesthesia specialists who have graduated have to serve in the district for one year.

It could also be a way to educate the sons and daughters enter the area after graduating medical school and had to serve in the region. However, an increasing number of doctors should be supported adequate health facilities and watched the fate of doctors in the area.

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