4 Symptoms of Sexual Dysfunction in Women


HEALTH - Sexual dysfunction is known to be more common in men, as it is most common among premature ejaculation and hard erection. Not many people know that sexual dysfunction can also be experienced by women. Even the fact that 43 percent of women reported experiencing sexual dysfunction. This amount is more than 31 percent of men, according to research from the Cleveland Clinic.

Symptoms of sexual dysfunction are more easily detected in men because it can be directly visible through his penis conditions. While sexual dysfunction in women generally lead to psychological problems. What kind of symptoms of sexual dysfunction in women? Brett Worly obstetricians, MD, presented four symptoms and causes of the most common, as quoted from Everyday Health.

1. Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness generally occurs due to hormonal changes during lactation and menopause. According to a study of 1,000 postmenopausal women, as many as 50 percent of respondents reported experiencing vaginal dryness that causes lovemaking so unpleasant or painful.

2. Passion Sex Low

With the decline in sex hormones in women due to age, libido can be reduced. But low libido is not just a problem in middle-aged women. Based on a survey of 1,000 women conducted in the United States, 50 percent of women aged 30-50 years also experience low libido. Decreased libido can be caused by several factors. Could be due to medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure, or mental disorders such as depression and less happy in marriage. Use of certain medications also potentially be a 'killer' libido, such as antidepressants and birth control pills.

3. Miss V Pain When Love

According to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, 30 percent of women reported feeling pain during sex. Pain when sexual penetration can be caused by drought in the Miss V. could also be due to health problems such as cysts or endometriosis and vaginismus; a condition in which the vagina narrows / tightens itself when penetrative sex.

4. Difficult Got Sex Stimulation

There is also turned on after being given sexual stimulation is also a symptom of sexual dysfunction in women. The causes can vary and is generally due to psychological problems such as anxiety, insecure or past trauma. Hormonal changes can also cause a woman takes a long time to feel sexual stimulation.

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