5 Weirdest Medical Cases Throughout 2016


HEALTH - 2016 colored with various health cases horrendous media and the international community. Medical strange phenomena that make us who read it participated dumbfounded.

Starting from an eating disorder that makes sufferer unable to swallow 40 knife to babies who are born twice. The following medical cases weirdest throughout 2016.

Always Extendable tongue, Baby's Got Difficult Spot and Smile

Paisley Morrison-Johnson, South Dakota babies are born with a tongue the size of two times larger than it should be. Conditions that make Paisley looks like being stuck out his tongue.

Paisley suffered a rare disorder called Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS). The size of the tongue like an adult, so that Paisley had difficulty eating and smiling.

Until the age of 6 months, Paisley also forced to eat through pipes installed belly. Doctors worry, Paisley would choke on food if you eat by mouth.

To get back to normal, this condition can be treated with surgery. Finally, the first operation performed by reducing the excessive part of the tongue. However, his tongue grew quickly and the back sticking out of his mouth.

Then, Paisley undergo a second operation to again cut out his tongue. Team doctors expect, this is the last surgery for Paisley.

Last October when the news was first published, Paisley was aged 16 months. The operation succeeded in making Paisley could develop his smile and eat as usual. Paisley also begin to learn words.

In The Stomach Youth Men's existing twin brother Fetus

Strange and very rare conditions experienced by Narendra Kumar, 18-year-old man of Indian origin. Doctors found defective fetus in the belly of the man who grows as a parasite.

Initially, Kumar complained of stomach is very sick and vomit frequently. His weight was decreased drastically without any known cause. Kumar's parents finally brought her to the hospital.

While undergoing the examination, the doctor was surprised to see a strange growth in the stomach Kumar. Kumar then underwent surgery to remove the fetus had died.

The fetus has a length of about 20 cm, weight 2.5 kg bone, and hair length of 2 meters. Kumar doctors diagnose the condition "Fetus in fetu", a very rare condition that only occurs in one out of five million live births.

Mysterious, Eye Ball Children's standout Exit and Bloody

Sagar Dorji, 4-year-old boy of Indian origin experienced a mysterious condition in the eye. Both eyes so swollen that it stand out and bloody.

Blood was clotted and dried her eyes, making Sagar could not see. Sagar's mother, Kusum said, oddities in his son's eyes that happened a few months earlier.

"Initially, the eye looks swollen and red Sagar. But then, his eyes started out of the socket and bleeding," said Kusum.

The doctor was baffled by what happened to this poor kid. Doctors will perform laboratory tests to see what is wrong with his eyes.

However, Sagar parents could not afford the fee of 156 US dollars, or about $ 2 million. His father, Pratim Dorji (35) works as a laborer.

A social activist Biwasjit Barman helped raise funds. He also hoped the government intervention to help Sagar.

Strange Eating Disorders, Men's Ability to Swallow 40 Knives

Many people with eating disorders. However, eating disorders in men is quite unusual. Men from India (42) it was like eating a knife.

He admitted, at least 40 knives that are swallowed for two months. He consumption penknife and may not even be folded with a blade length reaches 18 cm.

It certainly made this man to bleed in pain. Until he was taken to the hospital for surgery knife that she had claimed. Lucky life saved.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), there is a problem of eating disorders that people do not eat food.

Eating disorders can occur for about a month is called pica. There are people with pica who consume dirt, clay, hair, metal, paint, sand, soap, and paper. Pica can occur in children and pregnant women.

Not yet known exactly causes pica. According to clinical psychologist Gilda Moreno, eating disorders can occur due to medical problems at once psychologically.

Pica can also be triggered by a deficiency of certain minerals, such as iron or zinc. It could also occur because there is an intestinal blockage, problems in the esophagus, infection and poisoning.

Pica is also associated with a number of mental disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia.

Baby's Born Twice

During pregnancy third child, Margaret Boemer always diligently went to the doctor and do an ultrasound. However, he was very surprised when the 16 weeks of pregnancy, doctors found something to her fetus.

"The doctor told us there was something serious in our baby's condition. He said he suffered a sacrococcygeal teratoma. We do not even know what the disease," said Boemer.

Sacrococcygeal teratoma is a tumor that is formed before birth and grows at the tip of the coccyx.

"This is the type of tumor most often found in newborns. However, the number of events including rare," said Dr.Darrell Cass, deputy director of the children's hospital in Texas, USA, which is handling the case.

According to Cass, sacrococcygeal tumor may actually be tolerated. Most of the new baby had surgery after delivery. But sometimes it can disrupt tumor blood circulation, thus impacting on the growth of the fetus.

The doctor then advised to perform the operation. The fetus was only 23 weeks 5 days when doctors perform surgery.

It turned out that the size of the tumor was so large that doctors should make no small incision. In fact, the baby should be lifted into the air, so he has really gone out of the womb and her waters are also spilling. Just like a birth.

Once the surgery is done, the doctor put the baby back into the womb and sewed the mother's womb.

On June 6 finally Lynlee Hope was born by cesarean. The little warrior born and weighs about 2.3 kilograms. He included healthy after what had passed.

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