Chlorophyll Supplements Should Eat?


HEALTH - In biology, chlorophyll is known as an important substance in the process of photosynthesis in plants. Now, more and more talk about the role of chlorophyll, because it is believed to bring many health benefits for humans.

Chlorophyll is considered able to detoxify the body, accelerate healing, improve metabolism, bad breath, herpes, to prevent cancer.

One study in 2014 also observed, 38 obese women who consumed chlorophyll supplement once a day, lost 1.3 kilograms more weight than those who did not.

The women in the chlorophyll group also had a greater reduction in LDL or bad cholesterol and a decrease in appetite to eat sweet.

But really, the chlorophyll has not been studied extensively, so that there is no optimal dose is recommended.

Some studies even show that a compound derived from chlorophyll, can have different effects, when you eat directly from the plant or in the form of supplement products (drinks, pills, and others).

Supplements can cause side effects

Not only chlorophyll supplements, to consume other types of supplements, health experts now recommend you to consult your doctor to prevent adverse effects on health.

Although chlorophyll supplements are considered quite safe, there are some conditions that make these supplements increase your sensitivity to sunlight.

There are also some reports that said side effects include nausea, digestive problems, and allergic reactions.

The best source is from the chlorophyll green vegetables

Chlorophyll is abundant in dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and mustard greens, and other green products such as broccoli, green peppers, asparagus, green cabbage, kiwi, green apple, and herbs such as parsley.

In other words, you do not need a special supplement to get chlorophyll. Enough to eat more green leafy vegetables in the daily diet.

But be careful, chlorophyll-rich vegetables cooked in high heat and long time seems to reduce levels of chlorophyll.

Store it in the freezer for several months also have the same effect. So, to get the best benefits of chlorophyll, eat them raw or sauté briefly is the best way.

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