Acts Devan, Women are Born Without Vagina


HEALTH - Devan Merck, a woman from Fort Benning in Georgia who is now aged 23 years suffered a rare condition in the reproductive system.

Devan syndrome Mayer- Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser, which makes he was born without a vaginal canal, no cervix or uterus, and the uterus was not normal.

Devan began to feel severe pain, due to cramps when entering the age of 12 years. According to doctors, it happens because Devan has entered the age of puberty and menstruation will receive.

Whenever has a boyfriend, Devan often worried his girlfriend would leave him when he knew he had no vagina.

Devan eventually underwent various surgical operations. At age 13, she underwent a hysterectomy were flawed.

Until three years later, when he was already 16 knowledge, Devan began to undergo surgery to create a vaginal canal so he could have sex adulthood.

Team doctors also make the vaginal opening wearing a skin layer of the body's own Devan. Operation was a success. However, Devan unremitting psychological under attack as a teenager. He is often ridiculed "freak" and "man" by his classmates.

However, it actually makes Devan continues the spirit of living his life. "Nickname by friends that hurt my feelings. But it only made me into a stronger person. I'm not going to judge, I know they just do not understand, "said Devan.

Currently Devan had been married. Her husband named Trent Devan fully understand the condition.

"I am very proud of Devan. I know kondisnya really difficult emotionally, and I'm glad I could be here to support him," said Trent.

Now they are trying to have children. Devan deeply wants to be a great mother. He hopes to have children because he has a pair of ovaries. The plan, Devan and husband would use IVF procedure.

"Even with an artificial vagina, I was a complete woman, and hopefully soon, I became a mother," said Devan.

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