How Big Benefits "Acai Berry" to Health?


HEALTH - Acai berry has been included in the list superfoodyang wealthy family benefits. The perpetrators often consume a healthy life as friends breakfast oatmeal. However, the actual extent nutritious acai berry health?

Although it looks like a blueberry, acai berry is not a fruit that can be consumed in fresh condition. Acai berry comes from South America and are mostly found in Brazil are mostly sold in the form of dried fruit that's ready to eat.

Acai berry is known for high antioxidant. Antioxidants play a role in fighting inflammation in the body that can lead to aging and disease.

In addition, the acai berry promises to bring a lot of other health benefits, such as weight loss, cardiovascular health, to anti-aging.

However, nutritional practitioner Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator and author of Read It Before You Eat Itberpendapat, acai berry does contain antioxidants, fiber, and fat for a healthy heart.

There are claims that the fruit also help prevent arthritis, weight loss, against erectile dysfunction, and anti-aging.

"However, there has not been enough research to determine whether the acai berry fruit is better than any other fruit so you still need to be eating the fruit healthy varied to obtain maximum benefit," he said.

Taub-Dix went on, if you want to eat acai berry, it's good to eat dried fruit, rather than supplements.

In some dietary supplements containing acai berry was found active substances that can suppress appetite, and these substances are already banned by the FDA. When taking acai berry supplements, it's good to consult with your doctor first.

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