Is it true that HPV Vaccine Cause Premature Ovarian Failure?


HEALTH - In 2013, two brothers from the city of Wisconsin asked the court opened the trial, because the government recommends people to perform HPV vaccination in childhood to prevent cervical cancer.

This suggestion, according to them, is a source of harm for their cause impaired fertility.

HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that is most common. Many HPV infection can heal itself without any ill effects. But some strains of HPV are known to cause cancer of genital and oral lethal, also cause cervical cancer.

Since 2007, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends HPV vaccine for girls from the age of 11 or 12 years. Then, AAP recommends the same vaccine to boys at the same age.

The vaccine is given to children before they start having sex, because the vaccine does not work against HPV infections that already exist.

HPV vaccine which they refer to as the cause of the fertility issue is Gardasil vaccine brands. HPV vaccine is given as three doses for children aged 11-12 years.

Madelyne case Meylor, 20, and Olivia Meylor, 19, of Mount Horeb, Wisc., Tried in a US Federal Court in Washington, DC, involving experts vaccine field.

According to prosecutor Mark Krueger, the two women said they experienced premature ovarian failure at the age of 16 years due to three doses of Gardasil they receive.

Premature ovarian failure is a condition in which a woman's ovaries stop functioning before the age of 40.

Premature ovarian failure and early menopause are two different cases. Early Menopause occurs when the menstrual period stops at the age of 40 years before, and you might not get pregnant again.

While in ovarian failure, women still menstruate, though not regularly. That is, they may still be pregnant even though improbable or even very small.

Rare condition

Details of cases they are not open to the public, but the medical and scientific witnesses testified about why and whether indeed Gardasil is responsible for the disappearance of fertility, said Krueger.

Ministry of Justice, representing the Department of Health and Human Services, which promotes the HPV vaccine, Gardasil found no cause ovarian failure.

Manufacturer of Gardasil, Merck & Co., said the safety and efficacy of this drug has been studied in more than 25,000 women and men in clinical trials and concluded that no causal relationship between ovarian failure with vaccines.

Premature ovarian failure or insufficiency is a rare condition that affects one in 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 29 and one in 100 women between the ages of 30 and 39, according to the national infertility association in the US, Resolve.

The cause is thought to cause this condition include the defects of the reproductive organs, congenital abnormalities and exposure to anti-cancer drugs, says Resolve.

Women with ovarian failure can still be candidates for in vitro fertilization using donor eggs.

Two brothers Meylor otherwise adversely three genetic cause for the failure of their ovaries, according to a report in the Wisconsin State Journal. Their chances of getting pregnant, very little or nothing at all. But these two girls believe that they could contain if it took fertility treatments.

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