Sex Women Sharpen Memory


HEALTH - Women who frequent sex have a better memory. The research found penile-vaginal intercourse (PVI) helps women remember abstract words.

Research was conducted by a team from McGill University, Canada. They found an association between sex and growth of nerve tissue in the hippocampus, an area of ​​the brain that controls emotions, memory and nervous system.

The team requested 78 heterosexual women aged under 30 years old to take part in a memory test that includes people's faces and more abstract words.

They also completed a questionnaire to record an average points score and whether they use contraception.

The result found that women who most often have sex better remember abstract words. Unfortunately, sex does not affect their scores in recognizing faces.

The findings concluded that sex associated with memory function and the hippocampus. Similarly, the researchers wrote in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.

That relationship may be due to the fact, sex is a kind of sport. Sex may also help alleviate mental problems such as depression and stress that affect memory.

Further research is needed to discover whether achieve orgasm affects memory.

"The chemicals associated with the signaling of the reward system, hormones and neurotransmitters, shown to be associated with memory and sexual activity," says Jens Pruessner, a professor of psychology at McGill University who was involved in the study.

This study follows a separate study that found the middle-aged woman can enjoy sex better when aging, as they have increased confidence and better communication skills.

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