Three Worst Diet in 2016


HEALTH - Are you among those who often try a new diet and is claimed to provide instant results? Every year sprung latest diet method, but you must choose wisely because not all safe.

Some diets require that we abstain from certain foods and reproduce certain foodstuffs. Diets like this are usually in the long run will make malnourished because we consume only food that's it.

See what is considered the worst diet in the year 2016, as reported by the MedicalDaily:

- Diet lemon
Diet, which lasted for 10 days this is indeed able to give weight loss results quickly. Diet can be done by eating lemon concoction of water, lemon juice, red chili pepper, and maple syrup.

Although it was originally intended as a detoxification program, but a lot of people who actually apply it to lose weight. Despite giving instant results, unfortunately, this lemon diet will make the weight back on once the diet is completed.

- Cabbage soup diet
Diet is also considered as a way to rid the body of toxins. For one week we were asked to reduce diet with high intake of cabbage or cauliflower soup and should only be drinking water.

"Only eat certain foods in some time is not a healthy way to slim down. Vegetables have a low calorie so that it can make your metabolism so slow," said Erin Palinski-Wade, a nutritionist.

- Diet Juice
Juice Fast diet is claimed to be an effective way to detoxify. In this diet method we are advised to drink water a little after eating food that is juiced.

Juice made from vegetables and fruits this is indeed healthy, but not to replace meals. The juice contains very little carbohydrate, fiber and vitamins, thus making the body lacks protein and energy.

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