Contribute to Improve the Quality of Teacher Child Nutrition


HEALTH - Besides parents, teachers at school also play a role in improving the quality of child nutrition. Therefore, children in school spend most of his time in school.

To improve the quality of nutrition in children didinya, teachers can provide information about nutrition, the importance of breakfast before going to school, to how healthy snacks.

Dozens of teachers from several elementary schools in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) also received training on nutrition through movement program Nusantara (Drink Milk Every Day for Children Smart Active Indonesia) by Frisian Flag Indonesia.

"Teachers play an important role in encouraging and motivating their students to adopt a healthy lifestyle," said Corporate Affairs Director Andrew F Frisian Flag Indonesia Saputro in SD Tiered Instruction 1 Kelapa Lima, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, on Thursday (08/12/2016) ,

Intensive teacher training or training of trainers (ToT) diiberikan to 74 teachers selected from 30 primary schools in the city of Kupang and Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara.

Training materials for teachers was prepared by a team of nutritionists from the Nutrition and Health Research Center School of Public Health, University of Indonesia. This training also received the direct supervision of the Department of Education and the local Health Department.

Advisor to the Minister of Education and Culture Centre and Regional Relations, James Modouw added, giving child nutrition in schools can improve the quality of education.

Good nutrition, support brain intelligence of children. Starting from nutritionally balanced breakfast, children can learn well in school.

Head of Nutrition and Health Research Center (FKM UI), Ahmad Syafiq explained, if not breakfast, a child's attention while learning will decrease. Kids will also feel tired until drowsiness while studying in the classroom.

Breakfast was needed to fill the child's energy before starting the next day at school. In addition to breakfast, education about healthy snacks in schools is also important.

In this case, not only teachers whose role is to educate students in the school, but also the participation of schools in creating a healthy cafeteria.

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