3 Spices Which Serves As A Natural Painkillers


Flatnews.cf, HEALTH - When your body feels pain or pain due to inflammation or attack certain diseases, generally you will be taking medicines Painkillers or painkillers. The drug is effective for relieving pain in a matter of minutes.

But because Painkillers containing chemicals, it will give a bad effect on the body if you drink it regularly.

Well, than you drink Painkillers are made from chemicals, better consumption following herbs which also serves as a natural Painkillers.


Turmeric contains a natural compound called curcumin. These compounds have the ability to block inflammation and increase the body's ability to relieve inflammation. According to one study, curcumin has the ability to relieve the pain of chronic arthritis, Alzheimer's, heart disease, and diabetes.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential to reduce the long-term pain. When it enters the body, the omega-3 fatty acids are broken down into an anti-inflammatory compound. Eat regularly can prevent a deficiency that makes the body is often painful.


Ginger contains an enzyme that inhibits the production of inflammatory compounds. Eating 2 grams of powdered ginger every day can reduce the acute pain.

So, instead of relying on harmful chemicals Painkillers, preferably immediately consumption of spices on top when the pain comes.

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