6 Signs of Blood Coagulation Occurred


HEALTH - Advantageous if the blood clotting occurs when an injury or a wound to stop the bleeding. However, blood clots can also occur in the blood vessels in and near the muscle.

"When the blood clots occur in the blood vessels, can be very painful and dangerous," said Founder Vein Treatment Center in New York City, Luis Navarro, M.D.

In medical terms, the condition of the blood clotting known with deep vein thrombosis (DVT). DVT can cause congestion on the circulation of blood. In more severe conditions, blood clots can walk into the lung area and there was a pulmonary embolism.

The problem happens next, that vital organs do not receive enough oxygen and blood are needed so that would be fatal.

Doctor Luis said, it is important to recognize the signs of the blood clotting. By doing so, the right treatment can be done immediately and prevent pulmonary embolism. There are at least six signs of developing blood clots or DVT.

1. Leg swelling
DVT usually begins with swelling in the toe area. This occurs because the blood coagulation or blood clot has blocked blood flow in the legs. Finally occur swelling. DVT can occur when you sit too long without stretching.

2. Leg or arm pain
Pain in the legs and arms could be a sign of DVT. The pain that arise are usually only calculated muscle cramps or tension.

The pain is caused by many things. However, beware of DVT if accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling or redness. Sometimes pain also occur without other symptoms. Typically, when the pain starts running or swinging a leg up.

3. Skin bruising
Bruising or redness appears on the skin is a sign of a blood clot. Bruising is common to all people.

According to the National Blood Clot Alliance, on the condition of DVT redness usually occurs in the legs or arms and cause a warm feeling when touched.

4. Chest Pain
Chest pain is not only the symptoms of a heart attack. If you develop DVT and pulmonary embolism has occurred, chest pain was unavoidable. Chest pain usually feels very sharp and stabbing. Dada getting sick when you tried to draw a deep breath.

5. Shortness of breath
Blood clots in the lungs was also able to slow down the flow of oxygen. When oxygen is low, your heart rate will increase. Breath will be wheezing.

In addition, over time the body may be weak, and even fainting. Do not delay examination to the doctor if it happens it.

6. Cough
Sudden coughing for no apparent reason could also be a sign of DVT. Moreover, if the previously accompanied by shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and chest pain which is already the symptoms of pulmonary embolism.

"His cough is dry, but in some people sometimes experience cough slimy, even bloody," said Dr. Luis.

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