7 Steps to Healthy Keeping Memory Sharpness


HEALTH - Often forget where you put your keys and wallet? Or, often forget the names of neighbors around your house? It is a sign you are experiencing memory impairment.

Most memory impairments occur in old age, but many also occur at a young age. Fortunately, there are simple ways you can do to prevent or memerlambat arrival of senility. Do these seven points in order to keep your wits to survive longer.

1. Stay mentally active

Just as physical activity that helps keep the body healthy, as well as mental activities keep your brain sharp and keep you away from the threat of memory disorders.

Do crossword puzzles, play bridge, trying an alternative route when driving is an example of mental activity can train the brain. As well as playing a musical instrument and volunteering in an organization or a local community.

2. Socialize

Social interaction helps ward off depression and stress, both of which can make you lose your memory.

A 2008 study by the University of Michigan, published by the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, said that only 10 minutes to talk to other people, it can increase the memory by which you can with activities such as reading or playing music in the same amount of time.

Take the time to hang out with the family loved ones, friends and community.

3. Learn to regular

You are more likely to forget where the objects if you're familiar mess. Write down tasks, appointments and other events in a special notebook or electronic planner as well as on mobile phones.

Mark a task which you have done and which ones have not. Put items such as car keys, house keys, mobile phone and wallet in a special box that is easy to reach as above refrigerator or dining table.

Familiarize yourself always put things in the same place every time you finish using it.

4. Getting enough sleep and sleep

Sleep plays an important role in helping you consolidate memory, said Fernández Guillén, professor of cognitive neuroscience at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Netherlands.

That is why, people who sleep soundly enough to be felt not only fitter but also be able to think more sharply.

If one morning after waking up, you suddenly remembered something yesterday you forget and hard to remember, it is an example of the result of the memory consolidation happens while you sleep soundly.

5. Eat a healthy diet

A healthy diet is very useful in addition to the heart, also for your brain. Consumption of fruits, vegetables and grains.

Choose low-fat sources of protein, such as fish and skinless poultry. What you drink, is also influential. Too much alcohol can cause you confusion and memory loss.

6. Include physical activity in your daily routine

Physical activity improves blood flow throughout the body, including the brain. This can help keep your memory is always sharp.

Experts recommend that you do at least 150 minutes permimggu to perform moderate aerobic activity such as brisk walking, or 75 minutes per week to perform high-intensity aerobic activity, such as jogging.

If you do not have time to exercise that much, at least take 10 minutes every day to walk Area home.

7. Managing chronic conditions

Follow your doctor's treatment recommendations for chronic conditions, such as depression, blood pressure and high cholesterol, diabetes, and kidney or thyroid problems. The better you take care of yourself, the better the condition of your memory.

Evaluate with your doctor about medicines you are taking. The reason is, there are several types of drugs can affect memory.

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