Importance of Checking Fetomaternal at High Risk Pregnancy


HEALTH - High-risk pregnancy is a pregnancy risk causing danger and greater complications to the mother and fetus during pregnancy, childbirth or the postpartum period when compared to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum normal.

Which included high-risk pregnancy is a pregnancy that is lived by example, women who suffer from heart disease, diabetes, recurrent miscarriage, asthma, lung disorders, thalassemia, and so forth.

For those present, it is advisable to consult a physician sub-specialists Fetomaternal.

Sub-specialization Fetomaternal is a branch of medicine and obstetrics womb (obstetrics and gynecology). With his knowledge, fetomartenal doctor can diagnose or detect abnormalities in the fetus or the mother with more accurate and specific.

Based on this understanding, an examination by a doctor fetomartenal intended to detect abnormalities that may occur in the mother and baby in the womb at an early stage.

After that, the doctor may advise treatment or the appropriate action to resolve it.

"For example, using an ultrasound device three or four dimensions, I never detected any abnormalities of the fetus without the skull in one patient. The doctor came to know the risks of the delivery process will take much longer than from childbirth in general, if the mother wants to keep maintain the baby, "said Specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, Consultant fetomaternal Pondok Indah Hospital, dr. Azen Salim, Sp.OG-KFM, when the 30th Anniversary event Pondok Indah Hospital Group" Medical Technology From time to time "in Jakarta (8/12).

Doter Azen added, labor became longer because the thrust is not as strong a baby without the baby's skull with a normal skull. From there, we learned to be memersiapkan anything to deal with the birth process.

Fetomaternal examination by a doctor can detect early genetic abnormalities, impaired formation of organs, chances of miscarriage, premature birth, the detection of chromosomal abnormalities and others.

In the examination of the run, typically sub-specialist physicians Fetomaternal using ultrasound or ultrasound.

With more advanced medical technology today, doctors can get test results more accurate and faster. Meanwhile, to determine whether the fetus has a blood disorder, or chromosomal, required further testing in the laboratory with the recommendation of a physician sub-specialists Fetomaternal.

Some kelaianan or abnormal medical conditions in the fetus, there is a treatable, such as eg bacteria infection. But, some are not.

In the latter case, the doctor will give information to the patient the worst that might happen.

So dads and moms can memersiapkan mentally better, than if they knew suddenly during labor, the baby is anticipated that it was not healthy.

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